Learn English » Grade 3 English Lessons

Grade 3 English Lessons

Grade 3 (Year 3) is the last year of lower primary, and children at this age are old enough to be introduced to linguistic challenges and complexities, the classics, and independent writing. It is an exciting phase of school life, where children are beginning to explore the myriad mazes of knowledge on their own. It is up to the educators and parents to take advantage of the natural curiosity and exploratory nature of children at this age.

This is a very important stage when it comes to reading. Children at this stage are ready to embark on reading on their own, texts that have fewer pictures and more words, and stories that are more complex in nature. It is possible to introduce the more proficient learners at this stage, to the classics.

In terms of reading comprehension, it is time to introduce comprehension exercises that demand full sentence writing by the children themselves, without guidance. This, again, has to be played by the ear, since proficiency among children may vary vastly. Teachers of students who learn English as a second language should be very careful when they introduce independent comprehension exercises.

Writing is an area that will see tremendous changes. Children at this age should be able to write simple descriptions and narratives independently or with minimum guidance.

We provide teaching and learning material in the areas of reading for enrichment, reading comprehension, writing, grammar, speaking and listening, and vocabulary.

Please click on the links below to access the corresponding teaching and learning material.

Grade 3 English reading for enrichment »
Grade 3 English reading comprehension »
Grade 3 English writing »
Grade 3 English grammar »
Grade 3 English speaking and listening »
Grade 3 English vocabulary »

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