Learn English » Grade 1 English Lessons

Grade 1 English Lessons

Grade 1 marks a major turning point for children, as they are now officially in ‘school’. As children enter grade 1, we can expect the initial shock, starting trouble, ‘teething’ troubles as the child gets used to the school environment, and very often, different teachers to teach different subjects. Usually, children rise up to the challenge and embrace the new school environment.

English learning at grade 1 is also challenging, and at the same time, rewarding. This is the beginning of the reading comprehension exercises, serious writing assignments, and reading thicker books. English instruction in grade 1 gets more comprehensive, and varied. Gone are the days when only picture books, of big size, are used. It is time now to use books with more words than pictures, for reading. Also, it is time to start writing more, and with attention to grammar, punctuation and vocabulary.

There is still room for songs and rhymes in grade 1, but these are valued more for their language content than ease of singing or reciting, since children are expected to have some degree of proficiency in pronunciation and fluency by now.

We offer to study and test material in reading comprehension, writing, reading for enjoyment and instruction, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and speaking as well as listening to English.

Click on your desired link below to access the corresponding study and test material.

Grade 1 English Reading Comprehension »
Grade 1 English Writing Worksheet 1 »
Grade 1 English Vocabulary »
English Grammar »
Spelling »
Reading for Enjoyment and Instruction »
Listening and Speaking Activities »
Sample Compositions for Grade 1 »

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