According to some polls, Donald Trump is gaining ground with Black male voters. Kamala Harris’ campaign is also reportedly focusing on reaching young Black men, a crucial Democratic voting bloc. What are your thoughts on the presidential candidates courting the Black male vote?
Leroy Jenkins, Baltimore
Which Black men are they asking? I have never been surveyed. Don’t believe the hype!
Yakubu Gomdah, New York
The character of Vice President Harris is the primary reason for the skepticism of those Black male voters, but it seems they would be skeptical of Trump as well.
Earl Floyd, Norfolk, Va.
I don’t understand. We’ve had 44 white men who have served, and now we have a chance to have two Black presidents and one who happens to be a Black woman. Some Black people and many whites would rather have a severely unqualified, treasonous convict than a highly educated Black woman who has served in government.
Carlton Logan, Overland Park, Kan.
There are a lot of Black brothers voting for Trump because they think he will write another stimulus check!
S. Smith, Miami
Telling Black men that the same thing everyone else is getting Black men will get too is a dumb strategy. We already assume that. What will she do for Black people and Black men only? What specific policy is geared toward us only? What specific policy, not positions or achievements, but policy do any of these candidates have that we should back?
Compiled by Sarafina Wright